Welcome to Club 73

Club 73 is a group of members from the Harlequin’s organization who step up to pay $73.00 per semester for a total of $146.00 for the year. These funds go directly top help support the financial needs of our D1 MidAtlantic RFC. This club will also give you the rights to nominate 2 people to the Hall of Honor for Return to Founders Day in the fall. Along with all that you will be admitted to the CLUB 73 lounge at Founders whenever you are there. Stocked with good beer, liquor and food at all times for events. Each year you join you will receive the gift of the year which we have had a Blue pullover for first year, hats for the second year and this year will be a mug to leave at Club 73 to drink from when you are there. Hope to see you all in the CLUB.